ISO 27001 certification – is your data secure?

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ISO 27001 certification – is your data secure?

Today, organizations are responsible for storing, organizing and maintaining an increasing amount of data — customer records, internal communications and other vital information. As businesses grow in size and complexity, managing the scope of their information security systems becomes ever more challenging. Nowadays, most companies work with at least some kind of outsourced service or product, either to expand operational capacity, reduce costs or elevate their strategic advantages. Therefore, when evaluating software solution vendors, knowing which security practices they have in place and how they plan to continuously improve them is critical.

There are few better ways to gauge an organization's information security commitment and capabilities than ISO 27001 certification. ISO 27001 is the de facto international security standard on how information security is managed and serves as the benchmark for determining the quality, breadth and depth of an organization’s security controls.

Why is ISO 27001 certification important?

Becoming ISO 27001 certified conveys a clear commitment towards security, mainly because obtaining certification is not easy. An ISO survey found that in 2021, more than 58,000 certificates had been issued by accredited certification bodies worldwide. However, the importance of information security keeps the interest in becoming certified high, with the number of valid certificates rising compared to 2019, with 36,000 issued.

In short, ISO 27001 helps you address the three dimensions of information security: confidentiality, integrity and availability. It requires that an organization’s management:

  • Systematically examines the organization’s security risks 
  • Designs and implements a coherent and comprehensive suite of information security controls and risk treatment 
  • Adopts an overarching management process to ensure security controls will keep meeting the requirements of the organization

Furthermore, remaining ISO 27001 certified is not simple either. Certified organizations must continue to prove via comprehensive documentation, procedures and formal audits how they have established, implemented, maintained and improved their information security since certification was first issued. Those who maintain their certification show potential customers the value they put on information security and their willingness to have their information security policies and capabilities audited every three years.

What are the latest changes of ISO/IEC 27001:2022?

As the world faces new evolving security challenges, the internationally recognized standard ISO/IEC 27001 was updated in 2022. The good news is that many changes are editorial, for example, changing “international standard” to “document,” or rearranging phrases to allow for better international translation.

There are also changes to align with the ISO harmonized approach:  

  • The requirement to align controls with various risk management methodologies, including global cybersecurity frameworks 
  • The requirement to define processes needed for implementing the ISMS and their interactions  
  • The requirement to communicate organizational roles relevant to information security within the organization   
  • The requirement to take contemporary measures aligned with current organizational methods and associated threats 
  • New requirements to establish criteria for operational processes and implement control of the processes

The core changes, however, apply to updates to the current controls in Annex A to better align the standard with the recent changes to ISO/IEC 27002 – Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection. The changes to ISO/IEC 27001: 2022 also consider that risk management increasingly spans multiple organizational functions. Therefore, the revisions are intended to make it easier for more people within an organization to identify and implement the necessary security controls.

Choose Contentserv with confidence

By complying with ISO 27001 requirements, Contenserv can preventively identify any risks and mitigate them as soon as possible. So why does this matter to you as a member of Contentserv’s community? It’s simple: you can trust and rely on a robust solution for PIM and PXM from a provider that meets the highest international data security standards. One willing to make the investment and be audited by independent third parties to be certified for its approach to keeping your data safe.

Looking to take control of your organization's product data?

Getting started is easy with our ISO-certified cloud solution.