How PIM helps launch successful product promotion & campaigns

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How PIM Helps Launch Successful Product Promotion & Campaigns - ©

Campaigns and product promotions are an essential part of a brand’s strategy to generate leads and increase sales. However, that’s only part of it; campaigns and promotions can also make brands memorable. They help promote brand identity and can be used to create a lasting impression that can convert customers into advocates.

From a marketer’s point of view, launching campaigns and promotions can be a hugely complex task, even for established businesses. Executing a campaign well requires a well-oiled team of experts with adequate project management and a proven track record for successful launches. It’s a laborious process that can be costly, and often, the wrong strategy or execution can have a lasting negative impact.

Fortunately, there are many software solutions available to help the creation and execution of campaigns as well as to make the lives of marketers easier. Product Information Management (PIM) systems, for instance, are tailored to help marketers smoothly manage successful campaigns and product promotion.

PIM ensures successful and effective product promotion with:

  • High-quality product data

Marketers need to be agile when creating and running campaigns and promotions. Having to manually filter, review and modify inaccurate and duplicate data from multiple systems causes unnecessary delays and ineffective campaigns.

A PIM solution ensures marketers can rely on accurate and up-to-date product data. With PIM, product data is centralized, organized, managed, and can be efficiently distributed to all campaign stakeholders. Furthermore, PIM ensures that internal documents, sales resources, and all external marketing materials reflect consistent information.

  • Optimized marketing processes

It is essential for marketers to be able to efficiently collaborate with other teams to launch successful campaigns. Most of the time, marketers spend a lot of time reaching out to different departments to get all the information and assets needed to launch a campaign. This is time spent away from focusing on innovation and creativity.

Implementing a PIM puts streamlined workflows in place that ensure all campaign processes provide the necessary notifications and the correct actions. PIM allows only the right stakeholders to create, edit and update product information. Therefore, different teams can be confident that they are accessing the latest and greatest version of product data and the right digital assets to build their campaigns and promotions.

  • Effective omnichannel marketing

Marketers are aware that greater returns are achieved when campaigns are promoted on multiple channels - expanding to other channels increases reach to potential customers who are otherwise unaware of ongoing promotions.

An effective PIM system allows marketers to deliver enriched product content to multiple channels and partner networks. This ensures that the right product information is always delivered to consumers whenever they want it and on whatever channel they use.

  • Improved customer experiences

Continuous improvement happens when marketers are equipped with the right tools that show them which strategy is effective and what doesn’t work.

A good PIM software enables marketers to quickly adapt their marketing campaigns and promotions based on how well they resonate with customers. Marketers can focus their efforts on channels that show the most engagement and swiftly adjust product content to obtain better results.

The right Product Information Management (PIM) system allows marketers to manage product information with ease. Marketers can automate product promotion that runs smoothly with less manual effort, reducing return rates and impacting your bottom line.

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